Ashford Business Finance

Asset finance can be beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in several ways. It is a financing option that allows businesses to acquire assets, such as equipment, machinery, vehicles, or technology, without the need for large upfront capital investments. Asset finance is an affordable growth opportunity for any business looking to improve their cashflow position.

Hire Purchase

Wanting to own the asset at the end of the agreement? Hire Purchase is the facility for you. Along side a range of tax relief benefits, hire purchase allows the customer to gain full entitlement of the asset once the final monthly instalment has been paid.

Finance Lease

Want flexibility and low upfront costs? Finance leasing might be you best bet. The ability to extend the agreement after the term has been completed comes with many benefits, in most cases one monthly charge of the original payment turns into the annual payment, lowering cost substantially. Finance leasing also comes with it’s own tax relief benefits.

Operating Lease

New to asset finance? Uncertain on what you want at the end of your agreement?
Operating lease is the most flexible asset finance facility available. Providing the ability to
return, extend, purchase or sell the asset at the end of the agreement allows businesses to
acquire the asset and decide their course of action later. Similarly to finance lease, the tax
releif benefits can be another reason operating leases may be suitable.